Eastern Architectural Blog

4 Simple Steps to Prep for Next Year's Hurricane Season

Written by Eastern Architectural Systems | Oct 30, 2019 6:05:00 PM

Hurricane season will come and go leaving damage and destruction including strong winds, storm surges, floods and tornadoes in its path. The affected area may not be back to normal by the time next season rolls around, making it nearly impossible to ever fully restore and recover in a timely manner.

Last minute hurricane preparations are stressful and can often be inaccessible if resources, such as plywood, gasoline, bread, water and canned goods are depleted. The perfect time to prepare for a hurricane is when hurricane season is over. 

4 Simple Steps to Prep for Hurricane Season

Take these simple steps to be prepared for next year’s hurricane season and skip the last minute stress and scrambling next season.

1. Plan Your Evacuation Route 

Next year’s hurricane paths may be unclear, but you can plan your evacuation route options.

If you have pets, you’ll want to consider what supplies they’ll need if you evacuate, i.e. hotels that accept pets, travel crates, bowls, food, water, medications etc.

2. Inventory Perishable Emergency Supplies

Monitor or create a working spreadsheet of perishable emergency items and their expiration dates, replacing or using them beforehand so they don’t go to waste. 

Items to consider can include batteries, matches, medications, flashlights, water, canned goods, etc.

3. Review Insurance Policies and Documentation

Too often, homeowners buy insurance policies and forget all the technicalities until they actually need to know them. Annually review your insurance policies to know what is covered and assess if it needs to be adjusted. 

The most important thing is being able to provide evidentiary support for any claim you may need to make. Give yourself ample time to document and photograph your home, personal belongings and anything your insurance policy covers prior to a hurricane. 

4. Strengthen Your Home’s Envelope

Boarding up your windows and doors is a reactive, stressful and inconvenient approach to securing your home for an impending hurricane. Your roof, windows, and doors are the most vulnerable and the most important parts necessary to keep your home’s envelope in tact. 

That may mean installing hurricane shutters or impact glass windows and doors pre or post hurricane season especially if your home is in an HVHZ area.

Just because this hurricane season comes to a close, it doesn’t mean that you’re in the clear for next year’s season. In fact, there are several hurricane facts that often get overlooked especially during post hurricane season. 

Click the button below to learn more about how EAS impact glass windows and doors will help you prepare and keep your family and your home secure for next year’s hurricane season.