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What Makes a Good Window?

sitting area inside home with windowsPerusing through retailers and online stores to find the perfect window for your home can, quite frankly, seem daunting.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of options to choose from; so, how can you differentiate between the wide array you’re faced with?

Good Windows Aren’t Created Equally!

Aside from a window’s frame, what makes a window good?

The reality is that your lifestyle and comfort preferences at home will help shape what makes a window good to you, including their ratings and treatments as briefly outlined below. However, there is a bit more to know than just a window ratings and treatments. 


  • U-factor
  • R-value
  • Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
  • Air Leakage
  • Visible Transmittance (VT)
  • Condensation Resistance


  • Low-e Coatings
  • Tint
  • Argon Gas
  • Insulated Glass
  • Spectrally Selective Coatings
  • Reflective Coating
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What’s a Good Window for Your Home?

With a large selection of different windows to choose for your home, how can you determine what makes a window good to you?

Not all windows are the same, some have a tint which reduces the heat transfer into a home and the amount of light exposure while others can allow for full illumination but reduced heat. However, to fully undersand the various ratings, treatments and other various energy efficient window qualities, you may find our newest guide helpful.

So, next time you’re looking into updating your windows, think about which window is the best fit for your lifestyle and your home.
