143 Series Impact Vinyl
Awning Windows

You’re looking for awning windows, but live in a high velocity hurricane zone, need to stick to a budget, and are concerned with energy efficiency. Is there a window out there that can meet all of these needs? Yes! The 143 Impact Vinyl Casement Window is HVHZ certified, cost efficient (especially for retrofits), and has thermal walls that are a full 12% thicker than most other windows! Plus they carry the Energy Star rating, are Made in the USA Certified ®, and have the Good Housekeeping Seal.

Features & Benefits

  • Maximized protection against air & water penetration: fusion welded 3 ¼ frame & sash provide strength, stability, and rigidity
  • More traditional wood appearance on exterior: unique cove mold design
  • Lifetime warranty: frames and glass

Available Colors

  • White
  • Desert Sand
  • Bronze Exterior/White Interior 

Available Glass

  • Insulated Impact

HVHZ Approved

Florida State Product Approval

  • Bertha Impact Vinyl Awning
    Click to Enlarge Image
  • Bertha Impact Vinyl Awning
    Click to Enlarge Image