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Top 3 Cleaning Tools That Your Earthwise Windows and Doors Will Love

Top 3 cleaning tools that your Earthwise windows will loveWindows are supposed to be transparent-- not smudged from fingerprints and pet noses.

Even though spring cleaning season has come and gone, maintaining squeaky clean and streak free Earthwise windows and doors knows no time limit.

You may find it beneficial to know some of the do's and don’ts when cleaning your Earthwise windows and doors starting with the best cleaning tools to use.

Top 3 Cleaning Tools for Earthwise Windows & Doors

Some of your Earthwise windows and doors may have a protective coating on their interior and exterior glass pane, so you want to be mindful of what cleaning tools you use to keep them looknig good as new.  

The following are the top three cleaning tools we recommend to keep your Earthwise windows and doors in tip top shape.

1. Gentle Soap

Try to avoid cleaning your Earthwise windows and doors with harsh chemicals; you can run this risk of corroding some of the protective elements on the window or door, such as tinted films.

Instead, you may want to try a liquid dish soap or even baby shampoo for the safest clean your windows and doors can get.

Just mix one or two capfuls of your soap of choice with a gallon of cool water.

2. Microfiber Cloth or Sponge

Next, you will need to scrub your windows and doors down-- gently. Avoid using rough materials. Instead, try using microfibrous cloths or sponges.

3. Squeegee

For a streak-free shine, you’ll want to dry your windows and doors with a squeegee; after all, that is what they were designed for. 

Using a squeegee will give you an evenly dry shine!

The sleek materials that squeegees are made of are soft yet powerful for drying off the excess water on your freshly cleaned windows and doors, unlike towels which can leave streaks and smudges.

Get a Close Shine Every Time

Keeping your Earthwise windows and doors shining is a seasonal effort-- all year round.

When you do get around to cleaning your Earthwise windows and doors, whether it’s every month or every year, be sure to use safe and gentle soaps, scrubbers and squeegees.

To help shield your windows and doors from mineral stains, such as salt from the ocean, you can apply a clear polymer coating to the exterior glass pane after each wash for an extra layer of protection.

Leave us a comment below and tell us what your must-have Earthwise window and door washing soap or tool is.

And remember-- your Earthwise windows and doors are Made in The USA Certified. 

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