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3 Summer Saving Features of Energy Efficient Windows

3_Summer_Saving_Features_of_Energy_Efficient_Windows.jpgYou’ve successfully kept your home safe and warm this past winter; now it’s time to keep your home cool and safe from the sun’s heat and radiation this summer.

There are several ways for homeowners to save energy and resources this summer including:

  • Energy efficient appliances
  • Tinted films on their windows
  • Keeping their blinds closed throughout the day

However, aside from using and installing energy efficient appliances, those techniques are temporary or inconvenient solutions. For example, tinted films can chip away over time and close your blinds all day inhibits you from enjoying natural sunlight.

While those solutions are a great start, they aren’t necessarily as cost-effective as installing windows that are designed for optimal energy efficiency.

3 Features of Energy Efficient Windows

According to statistics shown in an infographic, approximately 39% of energy within the average household is on heating and cooling costs; that equates to about $5.6 billion in savings nationally due to appliance standards.

Just as energy efficient household appliances help conserve non-renewable resources and your finances, so can your windows.

There are at least 3 features of an energy efficient window that can give help you save this summer.

  1. Low-E Glass Coatings

Energy efficient windows are typically designed with a low-e glass coating which is applied to the internal glass. This coating separates heat and light energy.

Essentially, it works as follows:

  • The heat gets reflected back to the sun and
  • The short wave light passes through the coating to illuminate your home

The major benefit of low-e glass coated energy efficient windows is that you can still have natural light without the intense heat from the sun.

  1. insulated Glass

Older homes were often built with single glazed windows; now, many homeowners are beginning to invest in installing insulated glass.

Insulated glass is increasingly becoming in demand as it provides more insulation, keeping the summer heat out and the refreshing air conditioned air in.

Insulated glass is standard in energy efficient windows.

  1. Argon Gas

Argon gas has about the same solubility as oxygen and is used to displace the air between window panels.

In terms of energy efficient windows, this means that if the space between the glass layers is filled with argon gas, it will help reflect the outside heat while helping to regulate the temperature inside your home.

These three features of energy efficient windows can optimize your summer savings. For electric bills nationwide, you can see average savings of 12 % when Energy Star certified windows are installed in your home.

You can also see annual savings of anywhere between $101 and $538 if you swap your single pane windows out for Energy Star qualified windows depending on the number and location of windows you are replacing.

How Will You Save This Summer?

When you have windows that have reached their maximum potential for energy efficiency, you may also qualify for an Energy Star rating which means possible tax credits for you.

Choosing energy efficient windows is a way to help provide better insulation and more energy savings so you won’t have to drastically lower your air conditioning to keep cool this summer.

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